Studies on Population Dynamics and Fecundity of Norway rat ( Rattus norvegicus) in Putian Area 莆田地区褐家鼠种群动态和繁殖生态研究
Assessment of brown Norway rat as suitable animal model for investigation of food allergy BN大鼠食物过敏动物模型的实验研究
The behaviour of the white Norway rat in the sound field 颜色文化&白色大白鼠在声场中的行为反应
To build experimental model of orthotopic liver transplantation in rat ( ROLT), summarize operative skills and technique, observe the development process and basic pathophysiologic changes of acute rejection ( AR) following allotransplantation from Lewis ( LEW) to Brown Norway ( BN) rat; 建立大鼠原位肝移植动物模型,总结手术技巧和方法,观察Lewis(Lew)到brownnorway(BN)大鼠同种异体急性排斥反应(Acuterejection,AR)的发生发展以及基本病理生理指标变化过程。
Norway rat ( Rattus norvegicus) is a major pest in the world. 褐家鼠(Rattusnorvegicus)是广泛分布于世界各地的重要害鼠。
The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The relationship between the thermal stability of collagen and hydroxyproline content were studied by Different age groups of male and female BN rats ( Brown Norway Rat/ CriBR). 主要内容如下:1.实验以不同年龄雌雄BN大鼠为研究对象,考察了胶原蛋白热稳定性与羟脯氨酸含量及分子量的关系。